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Considered Innovation

Great innovations is created from decoding culture and finding the unmet needs in the real world that your brand can genuinely meet

Using our deep and intimate knowledge of humans, culture and data, we uncover hidden needs, gaps and opportunities, ensuring propositions are future-proofed to deliver the enduring brand growth you seek.

We do this through a blend of unbridled creativity – embracing the messiness of innovation, finding joy in the process of iteration and debate. We then refine things down to rigorously sized & tested, powerful ideas and concepts that are built on empathy and real human need, and right for your brand and business too.


How can Firefish help?

Culturally-relevant opportunities icon

Culturally-relevant opportunities

Exploring communities and cultures, fuelling disruptive & creative thinking and unlocking powerful new growth opportunities

Human-centric creativity icon

Human-centric creativity

Digging into the emotional, iteratively exploring & developing territories and ideas that meet genuine human needs

Grounded commerciality icon

Grounded commerciality

Testing & optimising at scale, with your business reality firmly in view, delivering buy-in and excitement for all


  • Benefits & Claims Testing
  • End-to-End Innovation Insight
  • Feature Testing
  • Inclusive Design
  • Opportunity Sizing
  • Packaging Development
  • Price Testing
  • Product Development
  • Proposition Development
  • Service Development
  • UX Testing & Development
  • Whitespace Identification


  • AB & Monadic Testing
  • Applied Behavioural Economics
  • Choice Modelling
  • Co-creation
  • Conjoint Analysis
  • Cultural Briefings
  • Cultural Futures
  • Ethnography & Lifelogging
  • Expert Panels
  • Groups & Depths
  • Implicit Response Testing
  • In-Home Trials
  • Innovation Sprints
  • RITE Testing
  • Semiotics

We are always innovating. Want to talk about other ways we can help?

GPT Group of diverse people with different abilities, including individuals using wheelchairs, standing together against a white background


Innovating inclusive fashion

Tommy Hilfiger wanted to help people with disabilities engage with fashion through a revolutionary clothing line but didn’t know where to start. We began using lifelogging to show how people with a broad range of disabilities have had to “hack” clothing to meet their needs their whole life, highlighting both the challenge and the opportunity to the C-Suite. 

Bringing out All Humans Crew on the end-to-end innovation journey, we convened a broader internal steering committee to guide range development, eCommerce experience, and all communications. We also worked to define partner & reseller UX an accessibility requirements, to ensure the line was understood and inclusively buyable across channels.

This powerful work reframed how Tommy thought about inclusivity as a whole, transforming their broader brand strategy, while also picking up multiple design and strategy awards along the way. Read more.

man grooming in the mirror


Innovation through experts

Wanting to get ahead of the game in mens grooming, Unilever came to us to explore the Now and Next. We brought together a group of the most inspiring men in fields relating to men and grooming to deliver a fresh perspective on men, while also having them offer expert opinion on brand mixes. 

This 6-month bespoke ethnography with cultural experts in London and New York brought together teams from all over Unilever for Talk Show-style sessions, also delivering broadcast quality films to engage and communicate big emerging trends and the opportunity spaces for Unilever’s brands now and into the future. We also went on work up a series of innovation territories for each of their brands to play against.

beer and crisps in front of a TV with sports playing


Holistic eXperience development

A major SVOD platform needed help in making the most of a new sports proposition in Europe, spanning brand positioning, comms strategy and UX. We started to understand the overarching culture of EU soccer viewing using lifelogging, digital & in-home immersion and fan workshops to build the brand proposition & comms strategy.  While also evaluating the initial prototype interface to inform UX development, developing in real-time using RITE testing. 

Throughout the process, our knowledge of what marketing considerations were in the offing allowed us to create more unity in development, with work going on to define the launch communications. With the product landing so well, we were commissioned for follow-up insight work in other key EU markets, with quantitative and qualitative elements for breadth and depth in unknown market spaces.

gin glasses


Staying ahead in gin

A category-leading gin brand wanted to explore and develop a variety of concepts that would allow them to extend their expertise in a booming gin renaissance. We not only spoke to gin drinkers but also bartenders, to gather ideas about how they might use the liquid and the brand story, to deliver something of significance to the drinker. 

These were then worked up stimulus and explored with people in development workshops in UK and Spain. With our experience in the category, and our knowledge of current trends and the onslaught of new brands, we offered clarity on the opportunity and the existing market, with cues on how a new conversation around tasting could be incorporated as part of the new brand’s launch. 

woman in swimming costume looking in mirror


Liberating women’s intimate health innovations

Our client wanted to expand their knowledge of intimate sensitivity to understand what the current tensions, concerns and workarounds were across Europe & Latin America, as well as lifestages. Using a combination of private online diaries, depth interviews and supportive group discussions, we were able to create a safe, collaborative and liberating space where women felt comfortable to share their experiences and play a crucial role in inspiring future product innovation ideas.  

Alongside an innovation workshop, we delivered pen portraits that humanised the issues at play, allowing the team to get closer to women’s real experiences. Our work directly informed product innovation and comms planning, as well subsequent studies into women’s period needs and sanitary care product innovation.

person picking crisp out of a packet


Developing a new snack at pace

Nestle wanted some tangible ideas quickly that could credibly differentiate and maximise the opportunity in the snacking category. We reviewed existing internal knowledge and immersed ourselves within this crowded and confusing market to develop hypotheses which we gained initial reactions from online snacking diaries.

Using this output, we ran client and agency ideation workshops to pool collective thoughts and ideas to create developed concepts for group discussions. We delivered a brand strategy including brand essence, pen portraits and core design guidelines to enable on-point briefings for internal and partner stakeholders, ensuring the right healthy and tasty messaging for a swift brand launch.


Our Centres of Excellence

Focused on our intricate understanding of how insight, strategy &

execution work together across the planning cycle.

Want to talk Considered Innovation?







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